Author: ajollytesting@admin

Who am I?

EDF (Electricity of France) – Electric utility

Migration of a transportable VXI bench which measures partial discharges of power transformers, to a compact and portable PXI / compact PCI bench. Drivers development.Technical implementation: Tools: LabWindows/CVI Instrumentation: portable PXI/Compact PCI chassis with high voltage acquisition card


IVI driver

IVI (Interchangeable Virtual Instrumentation) is a specification of instrument driver published by the IVI Foundation, formed by the biggest names in the instrumentation as Agilent, National Instruments, Rohde & Schwarz, Aeroflex, Tektronix, Teradyne, Pickering and other. This specification defined instument classes (multimeter, oscilloscope, power supply, ...). All drivers in the same class have the same exported functions. This ensures instruments compatibility and interchangeability: measurement software is linked to the driver class that needle to the specific driver of the used instrument. Example: I have a test application which measures voltage with a multimeter. My software calls the driver of the multimeter class. IVI refers to the specific driver for the X model from Agilent. Thus, we can change this multimeter by the Y model from Agilent or the Z model from Tektronix  with a simple configuration without modifying the software (for since we have installed

Who am I?


I am a supervision, control, test and measurement specialist. I develop several  systems: visual inspection automation, tests production sequencer, instruments drivers, automatized and semi-automatized test and measurement benches, instrumentation (National Instruments, Racal, HP, Agilent, Rodhe & Schwartz...). My strong competence in the field of test and measurement has led me


Digital Inputs Outputs (DIO)

DIO cards for Digital Inputs/Outputs, are used to acquire digitals signals, whose levels are typically 0-5V or 0-10V, 0-12V to 0-24V. The newest cards allow you to select the voltage ranges and use of high frequency switching. They are often used to monitor a condition (eg whether a valve is open

Who am I?

DGA – Military equipment

Development of a meteorology data transmission autonomous system on pocket PC communicating with a base situated at 5 km. The goal of this system is measuring the effect of the climatic effects on military tank fire. 5 km transmission using WIFI or UHF. The local transmission is Bluetooth. Technical implementation: Tools: Windows


Datalogging and Supervisory Control (DSC)

DSC for Datalogging and Supervisory Control, is an additional module for LabVIEW offers the communication capabilities between PCs and hardware / real-time OPC. It is thus possible to design in LabVIEW (HMI / SCADA) monitoring and recording data networks PLCs software.


Data acquisition (DAQ)

Data acquisition cards are used to acquire electrical signals and convert them into digital data to allow software computation. These signals art images of a physical measurement such as, for example, pressure, temperature, speed or other electrical phenomena.

Who am I?

CORDON ELECTRONICS – Telecommunication

New GVT Gateway high volume production line installation and optimization in Manaus, Brazil at Jabil factory for Sagemcom Test benches development and tester optimization Installation of 39 test benches and productions station Production fails analysis Improving and optimization of the production to reach 40 000 products / month Interface between



Citrix Systems is a software editor creator of a client-server architecture for applications. By extension, we use Citrix red a software architecture based on this communication protocol. This kind of red is, among others, used in applications developed with WinDev.


VXI bus

VXI, for VME eXtensions for Instrumentation, is a communication bus originally designed for applications in test and measurement. It is most commonly used in 3U height (10 cm) 6U (23 cm) chassis to connect switch cards, DAQ, DIO, multimeters, controller, GPIB, MXI, USB...