Author: ajollytesting@admin

Who am I?

Synopsis Corporation – Microwave systems

Development of software components to edit and configure mathematical models in aim of simulating environment for radar, civil and military, test and qualification. Technical implementation: Tools: DLL development with LabVIEW and integration with Visual Studio C++ and C#

Who am I?

Soleil Synchrotron – Scientic research

Acquisition expertise to resolve measurement losses on the SOLEIL synchrotron of third generation. Optimization hard and soft of GPIB communication. Technical implementation: Tools: C++, Linux, Java instruments server, National Instruments drivers

Who am I?

Styrel Techonogies – Engineering

Development: C++ to LabVIEW migration of an components and electronic cards aging measurement software. Technical implementation: Tools: LabVIEW Hardware: Sefelec MegaOhmMeter, switch cards in compact PCI chassis  linked to the laptop by a GPIB-USB gateway. Training: Instructor for National Instruments products: LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, TestStand, Measurement Studio .NET (with Visual Studio C++, C# and Visual Basic)

Who am I?

SIEMENS-VDO – Automotive insdustry

Migration of the car radio tuners test bench under the TestStand test sequencer Instruments drivers and measurement libraries development. Technical implementation: Tools: C, TestStand, LabWindows/CVI, Excel. Instrumentation: GPIB, audio generator AM/FM, audio analyser, matrix, multimeter, oscilloscope, I2C bus


SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)

SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) is a standard that defines a language for communicating with instruments based on messages. The majority of the GPIB instruments use the SCPI but also RS-232, Ethernet, VXI, PXI may use it. Several measurement instrument manufacturers have adopted this standard as HP / Agilent for example, allowing some communication uniformity between several devices. Some examples of SCPI commands: Instrument identification querry: *IDN? Instrument reset: RST Measure querry: MES?

Who am I?

SCHNEIDER TOSHIBA – Electrical Industry

Communication card validation dedicated to implement industrial network protocols. In this case the cards are added to PLCs to control the speed of electric motors. DLL development of communication protocols: Metasys, BacNet, CClink, Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP, Apogee Test sequence developement Integraton in the existing test bench Technics: Tools: LabWindows/CVI, TestStand, Visual Studio C++ Hardware: test bench with DIO, DAQ and network cards, dedicated product interface

Who am I?

SCHLUMBERGER – Oil insdustry

Migration of a geophones test system, from FORTRAN to C language with LabWindows/CVI. Migration of well oil probes test systems, from FORTRAN to C language with LabWindows/CVI. Development of measurement software of pressure for concrete test-piece. Technical implementation: Tools: C language, LabWindows/CVI, Windows. Instrumentation : GPIB, multimeter DMM, PCI switches, acquisition card with integrated frequency

Who am I?

SCHLUMBERGER – Oil insdustry

Calibration system development for oil well probes. Persone in charge for the maintenance of the probes calibration system: problems gravity analyze, treatment, intervention at the customer. Technical implementation: Tools: C language, LabWindows/CVI, Windows, Access, Visual Basic, ODBC. Instrumentation: GPIB, RS-232, switches, multimeter DMM, DC power supply, temperature generator, pressure generator, barometer.

Who am I?

SCHLUMBERGER – Oil insdustry

Migration of a test system of optical coder used by engines, DOS Qbasic to the TestStand sequencer with C libraries. Project leader; management of 2 developers; planning of tasks. Software expertise. Validation with the customer. Technical implementation: Tools: C language, LabWindows/CVI, Windows, Excel to ceate reports, TestStand. Instrumentation: GPIB, RS-232, digital multimeters DMM, DAQ, DIO.

Who am I?

SCHLUMBERGER – Oil insdustry

Migration of a measurement system from old Windows version to up to date Windows version , up to date CVI, up to date ACCESS. Project leader; management of 2 developers; planning of tasks, deliveries of prototypes at the customer site. Validation with the customer. Technical implementation: Tools: C ANSI, LabWindows/CVI, Windows, Access, Visual