Who am I?

Who am I?

SCHLUMBERGER – Oil insdustry

Migration of a geophones test system, from FORTRAN to C language with LabWindows/CVI. Migration of well oil probes test systems, from FORTRAN to C language with LabWindows/CVI. Development of measurement software of pressure for concrete test-piece. Technical implementation: Tools: C language, LabWindows/CVI, Windows. Instrumentation : GPIB, multimeter DMM, PCI switches, acquisition card with integrated frequency

Who am I?

SCHLUMBERGER – Oil insdustry

Calibration system development for oil well probes. Persone in charge for the maintenance of the probes calibration system: problems gravity analyze, treatment, intervention at the customer. Technical implementation: Tools: C language, LabWindows/CVI, Windows, Access, Visual Basic, ODBC. Instrumentation: GPIB, RS-232, switches, multimeter DMM, DC power supply, temperature generator, pressure generator, barometer.

Who am I?

SCHLUMBERGER – Oil insdustry

Migration of a test system of optical coder used by engines, DOS Qbasic to the TestStand sequencer with C libraries. Project leader; management of 2 developers; planning of tasks. Software expertise. Validation with the customer. Technical implementation: Tools: C language, LabWindows/CVI, Windows, Excel to ceate reports, TestStand. Instrumentation: GPIB, RS-232, digital multimeters DMM, DAQ, DIO.

Who am I?

SCHLUMBERGER – Oil insdustry

Migration of a measurement system from old Windows version to up to date Windows version , up to date CVI, up to date ACCESS. Project leader; management of 2 developers; planning of tasks, deliveries of prototypes at the customer site. Validation with the customer. Technical implementation: Tools: C ANSI, LabWindows/CVI, Windows, Access, Visual

Who am I?

SAGEMCOM – Telecommunication

Analysis and development of the VDSL/ADSL gateway test and repair process for aftersales capacity optimization, Campinas, Sao Paolo, BrazilThe test capacity at start was 500 units/day, after optimization: 2000 units/day Process, material and operators actions optimization with the local team Migration of semi manual and long tests to automation and

Who am I?

SAGEM – Telecommunications industry

Analysis, development and training on a generic software architecture based on TestStand, used in various production plants. Edition of development rules to integrate LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI components in this TestStand architecture and specification of communications with the database. Technical implementation: Tools: LabVIEW, TestStand, LabWindows/CVI

Who am I?

ROHDE & SCHWARZ – Electronic test equipment

Technical demonstrator for the account of R&S to carry out, for Motorola Toulouse, the demonstration of a acoustic test bench for cellular phones. Technical implementation: Instrumentation: Instrumentation: audio generator / audio analyzer UPL from Rohde y Schwarz.

Who am I?

PEUGEOT – Automotive industry

ECM validation bench development Technical implementation: Tools: LabVIEW 7.0 Instrumentation: continuous power supply GPIB, industrial PC: measurement software with instruments drivers, matrix PCI card, PCI acquisition card, PCI multimeter card, PCI signals generator card, PCI CAN bus card.

Who am I?

ONE ACCESS – Telecoms

Test and evaluation of the developments under Linux for migration study of Unix  development station to Linux. Technical implementation: Tools: C ANSI, Linux Redhat, Unix Solaris.

Who am I?


I started my professional life in 1998 when joining IS3i, a service company specialized in industrial technology (IT) within SEO Group. As a partner of National Instruments, this company was offering its service engineers to develop test benches. I had the opportunity to develop my first software dedicated to tests,