Who am I?

ZODIAC AEROSPACE – Avionic industry

  • Technical expertise on planes calculators error codes analysis software (Airbus and Boeing).
  • Modification of the software.
  • Technical training of an engineer for the support of the software

Technical implementation:

Who am I?

ZODIAC AEROSPACE – Avionic industry

Avionic calculators’ production support department (Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Dassault, Embraer, Saab…)

  • Test libraries development for TestExe, a test sequencer.
  • Tools libraries development.
  • Development of a test sequencer under TestStand interfaced with a data base.
  • Development of software of test and management of production of downloadable diskettes on calculator.
  • Development of downloadable software of basic creation of data hard calculator.
  • Calculators test software maintenance.
  • Design of software architectures for the semi-automatization of test bench.

Technical implementation:

  • Tools: C , LabWindows/CVI, Visual C ++, TestStand, TestExe, Access, Excel, ODBC
  • Instrumentation: ATHENA 7000 bench  : VXI chassis (switches, multimeter DMM, acquisition DAQ, signals generator, ARINC, RS-422)
Who am I?

ZODIAC AEROSPACE – Avionic industry

  • Development of a system (hardware and software) to validate an electric consumption management calculator of the A380 from Airbus.

Technical implementation:

  • Tools: C, LabWindows/CVI
  • Instrumentation: VXI chassis (switches, multimeter DMM, acquisition DAQ card, signals generator), CAN bus and SIS (I2C bus)
Who am I?


  • Hardware:
    Measurement and test / validation solutions
  • Computing languages and software
    C, Language G, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Fortran, Java, SQL, PHP, JSP, Pascal Object
    LabVIEWTestStandLabWindows/CVI, Visual Studio, Delphi, MySQL
    Method: UML, RUP, RAD
  • Protocols:
    GPIBVXIPXI , ARINC 429, RS (232, 422), TCP/IP, CANI2CVANBluetooth, WIFI, UHF
  • Languages:
    English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
Who am I?

TDF – Telecoms

  • Modification and debugging of measurement software of TV transmition quality.

Technical implementation:

Who am I?

Synopsis Corporation – Microwave systems

  • Development of software components to edit and configure mathematical models in aim of simulating environment for radar, civil and military, test and qualification.

Technical implementation:

  • Tools: DLL development with LabVIEW and integration with Visual Studio C++ and C#
Who am I?

Soleil Synchrotron – Scientic research

  • Acquisition expertise to resolve measurement losses on the SOLEIL synchrotron of third generation. Optimization hard and soft of GPIB communication.

Technical implementation:

  • Tools: C++, Linux, Java instruments server, National Instruments drivers
Who am I?

Styrel Techonogies – Engineering

  • Development: C++ to LabVIEW migration of an components and electronic cards aging measurement software.

Technical implementation:

  • Tools: LabVIEW
  • Hardware: Sefelec MegaOhmMeter, switch cards in compact PCI chassis  linked to the laptop by a GPIB-USB gateway.
Who am I?

SIEMENS-VDO – Automotive insdustry

  • Migration of the car radio tuners test bench under the TestStand test sequencer
  • Instruments drivers and measurement libraries development.

Technical implementation:

  • Tools: C, TestStandLabWindows/CVI, Excel.
  • Instrumentation: GPIB, audio generator AM/FM, audio analyser, matrix, multimeter, oscilloscope, I2C bus
Who am I?

SCHNEIDER TOSHIBA – Electrical Industry

Communication card validation dedicated to implement industrial network protocols. In this case the cards are added to PLCs to control the speed of electric motors.

  • DLL development of communication protocols: Metasys, BacNet, CClink, Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP, Apogee
  • Test sequence developement
  • Integraton in the existing test bench
